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The Envy & Comparison Trap


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Ever admired a woman, and felt a little (lot!) envious?  

The comparison commentary starts running and you hear yourself critiquing and contrasting the way she… dresses, writes, lives her life, carries herself.  

Perhaps around this time you notice you begin to feel deflated. The self-esteem starts to wobble, you begin to feel less than, and wonder if you’ll ever be that fabulous/intuitive/beautiful/embodied/poetic…?  

Every woman knows what it’s like to feel envy & compare herself with other women. Seems it’s part of our feminine DNA…  

So while it’s considered spiritually superior to ‘not judge’, let’s just cut the BS and acknowledge that we ALL compare, we ALL contrast, we ALL judge, at times. 

It’s what we do with that judgment that counts…   

Every other woman in the world is holding a mirror up to you. 
She’s reflecting your unmet, unrealized & un-embodied desires, through her being.  

The thing that you envy the most.
Is the quality you’re ripe to discover within yourself.  

Envy isn’t a bad emotion. It isn’t negative. 
But far to often envy is shamed and blamed.
Far too often we lament the envy, and keep putting fuel on the comparison fire. 
We let our lack and less-than stand in center stage.  

When were comparing it’s easy to forget:
Envy isn’t the point of the equation here.  

Comparison Mirror

The way you feel when you compare yourself is purely the sign-post showing what you’re ready to discover within yourself.  

Envy her expression? 
Oh, it’s because yours is ready for the next evolution.  

Envy her style & sophistication? 
It’s because yours is ready to be re-birthed.  

All comparison is a lens to discover & embody more of the untapped potential within you.  

Recently I was watching Wonder Woman the movie. Gal Gadot was soooo sophisticated and put together. I did a bit of research on her and discovered she is my exact age – even more comparison contrast to draw on!!  

Her sophisticated style had an effect on me.
I wanted it for myself. 

At that point I had two options:  

#1 To see that sophistication, and contrast with my not-a-lot-of-time-put-into-this-appearance-look and feel like shit 


#2 To see her sophistication, and enquire within – does this admiration for sophistication had something to teach me? Perhaps that’s also who I truly am, and I’m just being asked to step into it?  

As women,  we are going to compare. We are going to judge. We are going to feel envy perhaps, at times.  

It’s what we DO with that judgment that’s critical.
It’s how we ACT in response to that comparison that counts.  

We always have two options:  

  1. Let it lead us into a downward spiral of feeling like a failure
  2. Inspire us to take greater action

You have the power of this choice.   

The other day I received this email…  

“I always admired (and probably envied) your spirit, embodiment, and just the ease with which you seemed to move through life.” 

What a bold, strong, woman to reach out and share such a vulnerable truth. While I was flattered [always willing to accept a compliment], more than anything I RESPECTED this woman’s ability to own how she felt.  

It’s okay for us to feel envy, or any other emotion, when we’re willing to compassionately and lovingly own it.  

When we hold back our vulnerability, when we hide parts of ourselves and shroud them in shame. That’s when emotions like envy & comparison fester into deep wounds that seem hard to heal.  

We can’t ignore our comparison. 
We can’t always prevent our envy. 
But we can, lovingly own it – and enquire… 
What beautiful gift are you ready to illuminate within me?  

When we are IN our bodies, FEELING our bodies it’s much easier for us to get connected with this empowering truth that lives under the envy.  

Drop into your body & her driving sensations with the Drop In: Feminine Embodiment Practice (.mp3) 



And then let me know in the comments. What comparison are you drawing at the moment? And what brilliance do you think that’s hinting at within you?

About The Author
Jenna Ward

Welcome! I’m Jenna Ward. Feminine Embodiment Coach & Founder of the School of Embodied Arts. I’m an Australian woman living between Australia & the Netherlands. I speak English & een beetje Nederlands (that means, a little bit of Dutch). Mother of one. Lover of chai, chocolate & champagne. Read more here.

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