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Lifting veils that are impeding your soul’s imperative

What does it take to move forward with ease? I’ve been asking myself this question at lot of late. I’ve been asking the women – friends & clients – around me as well.

What I keep hearing is that ease feels elusive for a lot of us.

What we feel is struggle.
What we experience is doubt.
And it’s exhausting.

The clients & friends I spoke to told me…

I want to quit my job & follow my creative passions….
But I’m worried about money

I’m ready to welcome women into my programs & training….
But I’m not sure I can pull it off.

I desire to speak up and speak out & embrace my wild expression…
But I can’t find the words, or freedom to express.

I felt their struggle. I recognized it as my own as well.

Feeling that inner burning desire or dream.
Sensing that inner soul lead imperative.
Yet wondering how the f*ck am I going to do/be/achieve that?!!

I had the same question (my soul has BIG imperatives) so I sat down to energetically map it out…

What I discovered was that every single woman I spoke to already had the money, or magnetism, or wisdom to follow her soul imperative right in front of her.

The proof was right there – but despite her awareness, intuition & desire – she couldn’t see clearly see it.

The woman who was worrying about money had just signed up some high-end clients netting a 5-figures month. Yes you are abundant.

The woman who was wondering if she could pull it off had over half filled her program already. Yes you are magnetic.

The woman who was unable to find the worlds realized she had already integrated lifetimes of past wisdom through her highly developed intuition. Yes, you have something to say.

These women were powerful. But they couldn’t see it.

I wondered if I was just like them.
Veiling my brilliance.
Unable to see it.

And of course, I was. The veil I was holding (and to be honest, still am a little bit) is one of invisibility.

I worry I’m not visible or clear enough (in my articulation) to be seen. Some part of me feels that despite all I express and offer to the world, I’m not fully taken notice of.

It’s my fear of not being enough.

It’s the same fear that’s at the core of almost every doubt, block or stuckness.
The shame of not being enough.

We are often blind to the brilliance that is right in front of us.

Stuck in our cycles of what and how and (the big one) am I enough? that weave veils around us, blocking out all light.

These veils have us forgetting what we truly are – powerful woman.

I’ve come to see that liberating these veils is easier than we realize.

It starts with receiving.

Receiving what we already are.
Receiving what we’ve already created.
Receiving what our soul already knows.


When you stop focusing on the veil & start receiving we are free to:

  • Open every cell in our body & let our abundance in
  • Look beyond of fear of ego (and claiming yes I am that wise/magnetic/wealthy/visible woman) and claim our riches.
  • Take responsibility for our brilliance
  • Actively participate in the pleasure of fully receiving 

In doing so we realize the deeper truth.

We are a contribution to these riches, a channel to their birth, not their source.

We are all connected to a timeless divine source and it is the well/spring of all brilliance, wealth, wisdom, magnetism and beauty – including yours.

You beautiful woman are already plugged into the source of abundance – in love, in career & business, and in life.

If only you could receive it.

Receiving asks us to:

  • See the veil that no longer serves you.
  • Open and receive the beauty that you already are.
  • Go forth and find the evidence that you are already enough.  

As a collective of women, it’s time for us all to receive more.

We must learn how to open our minds & hearts & wombs to letting beauty in.

It’s our duty to rewire our nervous system & energy body to hold the fullness of our brilliance.

Receiving is a critical component of a woman’s magnetic charge – the feminine gift of manifesting with sensual ease.

At the She Is Magnetic Workshop in Brisbane next month we’ll be diving into receiving as well as the key energetic & embodiment tools required to fully integrate & embody this upgrade. Details to join the workshop are here.


Now it’s your turn – let me know in the comments which veil are you lifting & what are you ready to receive?

P.S. While writing this blog post two incredible things happened:

  • I had to pause writing to give an interview on having it all in relationship
  • Another invitation to appear on a podcast popped into my inbox

I received this moment with perfect synchronicity – speaking of the veil of feeling invisible – while being very clearly visible to women in the world. Ironic isn’t it? And totally to the point! 

About The Author
Jenna Ward

Welcome! I’m Jenna Ward. Feminine Embodiment Coach & Founder of the School of Embodied Arts. I’m an Australian woman living between Australia & the Netherlands. I speak English & een beetje Nederlands (that means, a little bit of Dutch). Mother of one. Lover of chai, chocolate & champagne. Read more here.

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