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Why we need to stop healing ourselves: A new paradigm for authentic modern spiritual woman

stop healing

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Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of blocks, fears or resistances that arise as you step towards your dreams?

The reoccurrence of doubt, lack, fear + criticism that you experience within, starts you thinking, “I’ve just got so much work to do on myself!”

If you’ve ever felt discouraged by the never-ending cycle of healing that you seem to find yourself in – realize woman, you are not alone…

This challenge, that there is so much more work to do on yourself and so much further to go, is one of the greatest challenges facing spiritual women at this time on our planet.

Yet this challenge is also the exact reason we continue to remain STUCK.

In spiritual circles we see/read/are sold that…

  • Once you heal this chakra, you’ll be able to stand in your power
  • Once this childhood wound is healed, you’ll connect with your confidence
  • Once you heal this resistance, you will arrive

This focus on healing is based on such good intent.

Yet the fact remains that focus is HEALING.

It’s essential to realize that HEALING is not the essence of an embodied spiritual woman.

HEALING is not the point of your life.

Because you are not broken, woman.

You do not need to be fixed.

At this time we are experiencing an epidemic of spiritual women who are hiding behind their healing.

Collectively, HEALING is a device that many of us use to avoid stepping into our power + our brilliance.

If you’ve told yourself…

  • Once I figure out my purpose, I’ll be happy
  • Once I lose some weight + tone up, I’ll feel sensual
  • Once I am more confident, I can share my work with the world
  • Once I am clear about what my gifts are, I can sell them to the world
  • Once I realize myself through this biz/relationship, I will arrive

…then it’s possible that healing is holding you back.

These stories we tell ourselves, that I once told myself, do not serve us.

Because these stories reinforce the belief that as we are, we are not enough.

These stories covertly reinforce that we must heal, in order to become better/worthier/more confident/enough, and that we must heal in order for us to truly arrive.

The modern spiritual woman is being asked to adjust her focus.

To acknowledge that yes, healing + moving through resistance is essential. But it is not the point of a spiritual life.

The point of a spiritual life is to embody the truth that you are enough, that you are worthy of love exactly as you are. Imperfectly, perfect. It’s your time to step up and be enough.

It’s time to make choices that reflect your true value.

It’s the time to live, with every cell in your being, in a way that reflects your worth.

It’s time to focus on EXPANDING into the woman your soul is longing you to be.

The modern spiritual woman is being asked to authentically embody her enoughness. To embrace her imperfections, to love her resistances + to realize that she is whole.

Jenna Ward

When our awareness shifts from the energy of HEALING into the liberation of EXPANDING, a new paradigm opens up.

A paradigm where:

  • It is no longer authentic for us to hide behind our healing.
  • It is no longer aligned for us to stay stuck in disbelief.
  • It no longer serves us to continue to act as if we are broken.

For many years I lived in a world where healing was my focus. Where ‘getting to’ the perfect state of health, clarity + confidence was the goal. Because once I ‘arrived’ there, I would be enough to take the next step.

This paradigm kept me STUCK for many, many years. I was focusing on all the parts of me that were broken. Spending time and energy and money trying to heal using spiritual + holistic tools – instead of just getting to the truth of the matter.

The truth is, that I wasn’t broken, that I was already enough. I chose to start believing and living this truth.

I started making decisions that reflected this truth. When that happened, when I embodied my enoughness, magic happened in every area of my life. My relationships deepened, my work expanded, my bliss doubled. I was enough + I was EXPANDING in the world from that truth (not from a place of healing).

Placing the focus on our EXPANSION is the path to liberation.

Because expansion acknowledges that yes, resistance/fear/doubt/blocks will come up along the way. This is only natural. You are human.

But the resistance/fear/doubt/blocks don’t make you broken. There is nothing ‘wrong’ with you. They are simply signs you are expanding into something new. Something that your mind/ego hasn’t dealt with before + is adjusting to.

An embodied woman learns to embrace + love the tender parts of her that are calling for attention. Those resistances/fears/doubts/blocks just want to be acknowledged + loved, and then you are free to continue in your EXPANSION.

When your focus continues to remain upon EXPANSION, you move through the resistance, with such ease – because you already know, within your body + soul, that you are enough, that you are perfect – and that this resistance/block/fear is merely part of your human experience, merging into great alignment with your soul.

The medicine that we, as a collective need to embody right now is the medicine of EXPANSION.

Where our focus + commitment turns to expand into our full potential.

When our focus settles on expansion, we acknowledge the inevitability of our brilliance. Because if you believe in you, if you choose to back you, then your success is assured.

Imperfectly perfect, you are enough exactly as you are.

Allowing yourself to EMBODY this truth, is the highest calling of your life.

Ready to put this into practice? Download the free Feminine Magnetism Map and out of your head & into your body in the most authentic, embodied & delicious way.


About The Author
Jenna Ward

Welcome! I’m Jenna Ward. Feminine Embodiment Coach & Founder of the School of Embodied Arts. I’m an Australian woman living between Australia & the Netherlands. I speak English & een beetje Nederlands (that means, a little bit of Dutch). Mother of one. Lover of chai, chocolate & champagne. Read more here.

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