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Resistance isn’t Real: How to move through Blocks, Resistances & Self-Sabotages using your body (instead of working again it)

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Is there something you’re resisting right now?

I’ve got a long list. There is a big project in my business right now…

This complex, overwhelming, decision-rich situation with tons of unknown factors.

There’s a desire to sink my teeth in on one hand, yet a throw your hands up in the air confusion on the other. There’s so much to do, so much to feel, so much to decide!

I also have some personal devotional practices that I’d love to dive into deeper.

Yet I find myself in avoidance, prioritising everything else above what I know is good for me.

Can you relate with your own resistance?

On the podcast this week we’re looking at our modern management of blocks, resistances & self-sabotages:

  • Why it’s detrimental to label your resistance as “resistance”
  • Why you prioritise everything else above that thing you really want to do
  • How resistance binds up our life force energy & reduces our flow
  • What our survival mind has to do with orchestrating resistance
  • The key resource our survival mind needs to meet the overwhelm & complexity of resistance
  • Why our bodies can feel like a place that feels “too much” or “too deeply”
  • When tapping into your radiance & pleasure ALSO causes resistance
  • The pressure of unactualized potential & feeling like you’re never going to get there
  • The role of discipline VS devotion in meeting resistance
  • My 3 steps for figuring this out from a depth first, direction second perspective


Bring along your notebook & pen, as well as your own current resistance to workshop in this super juicy podcast ep!

Would love to hear what lands once you’ve listened in.

About The Author
Jenna Ward

Welcome! I’m Jenna Ward. Feminine Embodiment Coach & Founder of the School of Embodied Arts. I’m an Australian woman living between Australia & the Netherlands. I speak English & een beetje Nederlands (that means, a little bit of Dutch). Mother of one. Lover of chai, chocolate & champagne. Read more here.

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