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Professional Awakening: When Consciousness meets Career

You’ve awoken as a woman.

Conscious. Aware. Still-far-from-perfect. But awaken.

Now something else is brewing.
You awakening is deepening.
The creative cries of your heart are getting louder.
The frustration of working in a way that doesn’t feel free is rising.

The personal awakening.
Is also a professional one.

Our work, your business, becomes the vehicle of deeper self-actualization.

We might be…

  • Already in business – but playing in the shallows.
  • Already got the knowing deep in your bones – but haven’t yet birthed.
  • Calling feels like a burning desire – but unclear of the next steps.

Either way. It’s exhilarating AND terrifying at once.

We find ourselves somewhere in the middle between SAFE and SURRENDERED.

Continued doing the “safe work” no longer feels possible.
(And just to be clear, you can be doing your life coaching or creative passions AND still be hiding, playing safe and playing small)

Yet surrendering totally to your heart & soul feels like a stretch you can’t comprehend taking.

Once upon a time, you were content to be same, safe, polite & PG in your work.

You were content to stay in the model that was quietly crushing your soul and keeping you small.

That time is now long gone. 

You are being asked to risk everything you’ve got – to follow your heart’s desire.

To take a wild step – and step up into something grander.

And part of you knows – that you are not just going to have to take the step once.

It’s going to happen over and over again.

Can I just turn it off?
Can I just send this calling away?
Can I just go back to when my awakening was about green juice and reading the next mindfulness book?

Do I have to be the one to rise as well?

As a woman who chose her professional awakening years ago with her first Kinesiology Diploma… There have been many times that I’ve had to step up. Again and again. And again again.

The surrender of my work to even greater awakening has continued to push my buttons.

It’s continued to ask me to step IN, when I just want to turn and run. 

I’ve had days of wondering if I could just go back to a 9-5…

I’ve had moments of wanting to throw it all in and just ‘accidentally fall pregnant’…

Yet deeply I knew – and trust – that this professional awakening is not designed to break me.

It’s designed to forge me.

It is my becoming.

For women like you and I…
It’s not about the 6- or 7-figures (thought they will come)
It’s not about the fame (though this will come as well)

It’s about that next step which is whispering… Surrender. Surrender. Surrender.
Surrender everything over to living your BEST LIFE.
Not just in the 30mins you are on the yoga mat.
Not just the 5min you have to meditate before bed at night.

But in the way you work.
And express yourself to the world.

When the personal awakening becomes a professional one.
It’s the greatest gift we can receive.

For me, it’s been the source of the….

  • Deepest sistership I’ve known
  • Wildest trust I’ve placed
  • Richest rewards
  • Most transformational self-discoveries

It’s broken my heart.
And made it bigger.

I wouldn’t change it all for the world.

I’ve come to see, for the woman working her passions there are 3 keys that we all need to define our DEEP wisdom & pleasurably express it to the world.

It’s been the formula for my sanity, success, and business stability.

Download your free copy here

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About The Author
Jenna Ward

Welcome! I’m Jenna Ward. Feminine Embodiment Coach & Founder of the School of Embodied Arts. I’m an Australian woman living between Australia & the Netherlands. I speak English & een beetje Nederlands (that means, a little bit of Dutch). Mother of one. Lover of chai, chocolate & champagne. Read more here.

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