The power of ritual :: Wild + Free interview with Emily Tepper

One of the biggest questions I am asked is…

WHAT DO I DO? I’ve created space for transformation, I’m doing my yoga and meditation…. But what else do I *DO* to open into a soul led life?

One answer is RITUAL.

Whether you choose to believe it or not, you are participating in ritual all day long.

The way you eat your breakfast, the way you check your email, the way you think and talk and express yourself are a small part of the ritual of your life. Today I’m speaking with Emily Tepper, a NY based custom ritual designer.

In this interview we explore:

  • When we bring conscious intent and awareness to our day – aka. ritual – we create a space for an abundance lifestyle
  • The feminine tool of ritual
  • The essential ingredients of ritual = sacred intention + time + activity
  • How ritual can assist in letting your life and purpose ‘in’… instead of always chasing

Listen to the full interview (26 min) here:

Emily guides us through a 3 step process for creating your own ritual:

  1. Generate a sacred intent. Consider where you are, and where you desire to be. This might take the form of a mantra or positive statement.
  2. Create physical space + time is important to ground the intent into the body (aka. embodiment).
  3. Design a sacred activity. It could be anything! But it must be creative and intentional, something that speaks to you of cultivating your intent.
  • Design the activity.
  • Do/have the activity for a period of time that serves you (Emily suggests sometimes days to months might be needed)
  • Then downloading the benefits of the activity – the final stage of reflecting how far you have come over time

Explore Emily’s work at and mention this interview to receive a free discovery call with Emily.

a_010About the Host

Jenna Ward is a kinesiologist, embodiment coach and speaker helping women create lives that are rich in freedom, purpose + expression.

From the controlling Pharmacist aspiring to the next promotion Jenna’s thoroughly departed the ‘safety’ of the norm and discovered that when we live through our wild + deep hearts, our joy spreads + freedom expands.

Creator of The Sacred Circle and the Wild + Free interview series Jenna works one-on-one and with groups of sisters around the world. Find out more about her upcoming events, online programs and private mentoring here.

Now a question for you….

Who’s ritual are you living out at the moment? Is it for you, is it by you, does it serve you?

Or what ritual in your life are you ready to toss? State it to the universe in the comments section below.

About The Author
Jenna Ward

Welcome! I’m Jenna Ward. Feminine Embodiment Coach & Founder of the School of Embodied Arts. I’m an Australian woman living between Australia & the Netherlands. I speak English & een beetje Nederlands (that means, a little bit of Dutch). Mother of one. Lover of chai, chocolate & champagne. Read more here.

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