Closed hearts & confused minds: 5 core symptoms of the disembodied woman

When all your energy is in your head it’s hard to think straight.
You’re unsure if it’s intuition talking, or just your imagination.
You feel flat & drained.
There is no desire for pleasure.

It’s a lonely way to live.
Closed heart, confused mind.
Textbook disembodiment.

What’s worse – it infiltrates everything around you. Work, relationships, life – it all feels dull.

I know that place disembodied way of living well.
It frustrates the crap out of me.
Because I know it’s not my truth. I know I’m capable of more.
And I, like you, am a woman who is not willing to settle.

Lately I’ve seen there a 5 core signs of disembodiment that keep our heart closed & mind confused….


Numbness that won’t let anyone (including you) crack your heart wide open

For years I was numb in my heart. At first I wasn’t aware, I was naively going about my job of hospital pharmacist replacing pleasure & joy with sugar & social engagements. Substituting sensation for any experience that would keep me busy & distracted.

But after a while that began to feel hollow. I began to feel hollow.

Yet when I turned within. All I found was a Sahara Desert like expanse of nothing where my heart should be. All the promises of an inner Eden didn’t seem to apply & I started to fear…. maybe I just don’t feel.

>>> A disembodied woman feels numb or closed down in her heart

Yet I realized even numbness is a sensation and the longer loved that numbness, the more I began to crack – slowly at first – wider and wider open, until my emotional landscape became as rich as the Amazon.

“Solving” numbness isn’t just something you do once in your life. At each stage of our growth we are asked to OPEN MORE and EXPAND into even greater capacity.

Just last week as my man returned from months overseas I found myself closed in my heart. Accustomed to living alone I didn’t know how to open back to the level of intimacy we once shared (or how to take it deeper).

My default was to close down, get busy & stay shut. It’s the default of most productive women in this age. Yet it doesn’t serve us, and as the numbness crept back in I was invited to, yet again, keep opening my heart keep feeling more.

>>> An embodied woman loves all of herself, even the numb parts

>>> An embodied woman trusts there is brilliance within her – deep connection, confidence & sensuality that is ready to be activated & deepened


Confusion about what you want from life & which next step to take

Confusion keeps us confined because it stops us in our tracks.

It’s a technique used by our survival mind to keep us safe. When we can’t see the way forward (into the unknown) then we can’t walk it (so we stay same and safe).

This survival mind technique has worked for thousands of years. Yet for the woman evolving, the FACE is that she IS moving forward and confusion only serves to slow her down & make the process far more painful that need be.

Confusion constantly arises in my world, as I am constant upgrading.
Yet this doesn’t make me broken.
It doesn’t mean I’m “not enough”.
It’s not a sign that I’m “off my path”.
It’s purely an indication of growth & an invitation to re-connect to my souls truth.

When we feel lost in the confusion, our survival mind wins and we stay stuck.

>>> The disembodied woman feels lost in her confusion & unable to navigate her way forward

Yet when we embrace the confusion & see the Truth – that confusion is just a small percentage of what exists within you – we begin to navigate forward with more ease.

Right now doors are open to The Embodied Woman Program. Rewind three weeks and I wasn’t sure that I would open up another round of enrolment this year…. I was confused, unsure, wondering a million different thoughts about if it was the right time and if was the best move for my business. A million if’s ran around my mind, yet only one soul Truth existed….

When we work in passion based businesses it’s so incredibly easy for our own human-ness to get into the business mix. It’s what makes it magic, but it’s also what can seriously f*ck us up.

The truth is that I need this container just as much as the women who are joining me in it. Being in selfless service and embracing the role of teacher are two growth edges for me – they are my unknown & so my survival mind plays tricks to keep me safe (stuck). I understand there is discomfort about being in selfless service, I understand there is discomfort in being teacher. But that discomfort (which presents as confusion) doesn’t define me. The deep soul Truth of who I am does. And it say show up, serve and let’s rise together. And so enrolment opened.

>>> An embodied woman embraces her imperfections, and knows they are worthy

>>> An embodied woman trusts her path & steps with radical self love into the unknown


Inability to desire yourself & access pleasure in your body

If you don’t desire you, no one else can.

The women around you can’t fully desire to be in friendship.
Your lover cannot fully desire and worship you.
Your audience (if you are a coach or practitioner) cannot desire your teachings.

You can only receive as much as you are willing to give yourself.
And so your desire for yourself caps how much the world can desire you.

Desire starts and finishes in the body, the most physical for our dimensions. For YEARS I had no idea how desire & pleasure could possibly relate to my work.

I was busy being busy & busy getting shit done. I didn’t have time to pause to smell the flowers, or to put on my best dress. And yet in doing so, I limited my success because I wasn’t partaking in my success.

I was busy, busy always striving for the next client to book in, the next sale to happen, the next milestone to be reached.

>>> The disembodied woman doesn’t know how to access her pleasure or use it to succeed

Yet the more I prioritize pleasure, the more I succeed. Because pleasure helps me to receive, it softens my nervous system out of overwhelm & back to inspiration. Pleasure is healing & expansion.

This year I’ve worked less than ever before.
I’ve taken more days off than every before.
I’ve travelled to more countries than ever before.
And my business has earned MORE.

>>> An embodied woman is free to desire herself & her body and thus allows others to desire her

>>> An embodied woman knows she deserves to be paid richly for her worth.


Resistance about stepping up to the big passion-filled potential that’s bursting within you
There is no doubt we upgrade in steps…
+ Mine started with an overwhelming need to quit my soul crushing JOB
+ Next I needed to step up as a full time, in-person Kinesiology practitioner
+ After that my soul Truth (that I access through feeling my wide open heart) whispered Bali & take your work online

Looking back the path seems clear. But at the time it felt like a million potential directions, and how could I be sure that this was the “one”?

How could I know I was taking the right step?
How could I know that it was going to work out?
How did I know that no one would laugh?
How did I know I wouldn’t fail?

>> The disembodied woman is crippled by fear, doubt & lack because she can’t access her inner conviction

These fears and doubts run through all our minds.
But again, they don’t define us when we anchor back to Truth.

Your potential is whispering because it’s awake and it’s going to have it ways with you. It’s not going to go back to sleep. You cannot escape it.

This passion within you is alive & burning bright – and the more your feel it and feel it and love it and tend to it, the clearly your path will be.

There are still big growth edges around my passion based business. I know this work is demanding more visibility, it wants a bigger platform. I feel hesitant to talk about it because what if I can’t show up as more visible? What if I can’t grow it even bigger? The desire is so alive within me, but the doubt lingers as well.

These thoughts & fears exist. Because I am human. Just as you are human beautiful woman.
But these thought & fears don’t define us.
We define for ourselves what is truth.

>>> An embodied woman knows the limitations we experience most often those we place on ourselves.

>>> An embodied woman knows she is capable of liberating herself from struggle & is ready to stand in her power.


Exhaustion and feeling to tired & drained to do anything about it

The final & most exhausting symptom of disembodiment is exhaustion. To tired to do anything, to tired to bother.

It’s often the result of over-thinking induced adrenal fatigue. As our bodies run off stress hormones we slowly deplete our life force energy until little remains.

Despite the exhaustion we still expect ourselves to feel inspired. We still expect amazing work to be produced. We expect to feel on fire and passionate within ourselves. Yet we don’t know how to slow down and rest.

One common theme emerges – feeling overcommitted yet unsure how to say no.

>> The disembodied woman is overcommitted out of obligation, not love

Obligations drain the life force out of any awakened woman. Yet it takes a powerful woman to say no.

To say no to the long standing agreements & relationships that perhaps are no longer aligned.
To say no to the servitude & martyrdom that so often oppress our choices.
To say no from a place of power and of love rather than guilt & service.

>>> An embodied woman knows her No is just as powerful as her Yes.
>>> An embodied woman prioritizes herself, and knows it’s not selfish.
>>> An embodied woman knows how to rest without guilt.

If it’s time for you to step into a more embodied way of
living, breathing & making decisions in the world…

Enrolment is now open for The Embodied Woman Online Program for the final time this year





About The Author
Jenna Ward

Welcome! I’m Jenna Ward. Feminine Embodiment Coach & Founder of the School of Embodied Arts. I’m an Australian woman living between Australia & the Netherlands. I speak English & een beetje Nederlands (that means, a little bit of Dutch). Mother of one. Lover of chai, chocolate & champagne. Read more here.

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