Creative Projects done with Feminine Flair: How to balance the doing & feeling energies for success

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How do you go about a creative project?

Once upon a time, as soon as the inspiration struck, I’d be all over my lists and plans. I get off a little bit on organizing, so I’d start moving the project forward and taking practical steps.

Except, very often my creative projects wouldn’t flourish.

I’d get halfway through & the enthusiasm would run out, the inspiration would dry up, and the project would stall.

It took me a few years to realize that this was a waste of my energy (and time). I wanted a more sustainable & successful way to do creative projects in my life. Perhaps you do too?

A creative project might be anything from:

  • A wedding, baby shower, or 40th birthday party
  • A desire you have to create in your life, like decorating a baby nursery or new vegetable garden
  • A business venture or new business offer
  • Everything in-between!!

Even if we’re not “creative people” living “creative lives” we’re constantly taking on new “life projects” which we can do with (or without) feminine flair (I vote with!!).

I believe you can do a creative project one of two ways…

1. prioritize masculine doing then your first actions are going to be:

  • planning
  • organizing
  • thinking ahead into the future
  • for women, this means your energy will be more in your shoulders & head

2. If you prioritize feminine feeling, then your first actions will be:

  • sitting in the possibility
  • luxuriating in the dream & the vision
  • feeling into the depth of the project
  • for women, this means your energy will be more in your body

Consider which is your ‘norm’ or the habit for you currently? And how’s that working out?


In the Feminine Coaching Model, we believe that DEPTH FIRST, DIRECTION SECOND is a key to success.

Meaning we need to collect all available resources (our depth) before launching into do-ing (and direction forward).

This requires us to examine the depth of our feelings & desires and any fears or doubts before we launch into doing.

We prioritize our feminine flourish and in doing so, gather the fuel to go the distance.

In my experience, this feminine calibration process is the KEY to success.

It’s the feminine flair that needs to be prioritized first, in order for the project to be successful.

It doesn’t look like much on the surface. But deep inside it’s the alchemy that’s going to fuel your creative project in the long term.

Here are some of the key FEMININE FLAIR questions I sit with BEFORE I move into any masculine doing or practical steps.

Consider them an essential inquiry that can help your doing & to-do lists to be supercharged & juiced up….

1. How do I want this project to FEEL?

Getting clear on your emotional-compass before beginning can help to make sure that the creative process is full of delight instead of hard work, blood/sweat/tears until you “get there”.

When we were planning our wedding last year there was SO MUCH TO DO. It was so easy for me to slip into my masculine-get-shit-done-mode (which is pretty devoid of pleasure and softness) but I found that when I did that, I lost contact with WHY we were getting married, to begin with.

So I sat down with my partner and discussed our emotional-compass.
What’s the feeling we want to bring to each decision and moment of planning for this wedding?

We decided it was important to prioritize intimacy, connection, family and that was the heart of our wedding.

2. If I took some time to expand the possibilities beyond my usual expectations, how big can I dream?

We are, all of us, creatures of habit. Which means, when it comes to creative projects, we’ll likely attempt to create something that’s in our zone of safety & comfort.

But what if, instead of rushing forward to create same/same/safe, we took time to expand our capacity, our vision, our dream? Calibrating to create something that stretches our wildest dreams.

Recently I was planning a new offer in my work. The details of the offer, the number of people I could accept it and the price point appears as I was pondering the project one day. And I noticed it was the same (SAFE) details as the last time offered something similar.

Even in business, it appears that I’m a creature of habit & it was/is a conscious challenge to go deeper & find if these details were TRUE, or if there was a more expansive (and possibility terrifying) desire that I wanted to dream my way into

3. Is this project ripe for NOW, or am I just distracting myself from something else?

This question is a key question for me because I love bright shiny things. I love new challenges and opportunities.

Yet often, creative projects can be a distraction from the places we really should be committing our attention. There’s no point starting this project as a distraction tool, because that’s deeply dishonoring & ultimately going to be a waste of your time and energy.

I always check in and ask my heart AND my head – is this project for NOW?
…Or will I keep it in my dreaming basket (a mental basket I carry) and keep percolating the idea…?

4. What support do I require?

Many of us dive into creative projects solo. We’re strong independent women, we can do it all ourselves. This lone wolf style of operating is fine most of the time – but it can also be such a beautiful permission slip to identify the support you need in place to do your creative project.

Recently I was decorating a room in our house. There was more than I could physically do myself and I knew I would need help. Part of me felt that my partner would be around so I could just ask for help when needed (and that would be fine).

But another part of my deeply, deeply yearned for my mother and grandmother (who live 12000km away) to be the ones to help.

Similarly, as I was dreaming up some big goals in my work for later this year I began to consider what support I might need. What team members, or physical care for my body I might need (cue booking my Acupuncture and Chiropractic visits for the coming months!).

You are allowed to receive support.
It is safe to ask for support.
Strong women are supported women.

These questions are the start of the feminine calibration process and in my life experience, absolutely non-negotiable keys to success.

If you’ve got a creative project that you desire to bring a feminine flourish too, there are a small number of spaces for DEEP PROJECT VIP DAYS with Jenna. A private 1-1 intensive where we add a feminine flourish combined with a masculine action plan to move your creative project forward.

For more information enter your details below & we’ll be in touch!

VIP May19 Slider

About The Author
Jenna Ward

Welcome! I’m Jenna Ward. Feminine Embodiment Coach & Founder of the School of Embodied Arts. I’m an Australian woman living between Australia & the Netherlands. I speak English & een beetje Nederlands (that means, a little bit of Dutch). Mother of one. Lover of chai, chocolate & champagne. Read more here.

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