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FECC Curriculum Mockup

Personal & Professional Mastery in the Embodied Arts

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The Feminine Embodiment Coaching Certification is an internationally recognized, professional training for women seeking to become a coach, or expand their coaching skills, in the realm of somatic skills & women's empowerment.

International Institute for Complementary Therapists Logo
Certified SOEA Feminine Embodiment Coach

Feminine Embodiment Coaching is a sensation-based style of coaching which lets the body lead. Together with our clients, we dive deep into the wisdom of the body, unraveling frozen tension & expanding pleasure so that we can move towards our goals, fully resourced & alive.

The 6-12 month training comprises of 3 core streams of training:

Personal Mastery Stream - Theory Stream - Coaching Stream
Stream One

Personal Mastery

Personal practices & deep self-coaching to create deeper embodied resonances in you as a woman & practitioner.

Guiding your clients from feeling disconnected, stuck, or confused into clarity & confidence requires that you’ve walked that path first. We can’t ask our clients to walk a path we are unwilling to walk ourselves – which is why the Personal Mastery Stream will take you deep into your own embodied wisdom, & embed the confidence and resonance you need to succeed.

This stream includes:
– Activations & Rituals
– Embodied Movement Practices
– Self-Coaching & powerful self-inquiry worksheets
– Live group experiences & movement practices
– Accountability & support

Stream Two


The Theory Stream provides the relevant esoteric (spiritual) & scientific theory that underpins the modality so that students can feel knowledgeable, confident & resourced.

Understanding the physiological, emotional & esoteric threads present in your client’s experience enables you to provide the best coaching possible, with the confidence that it’s back by a clear, trauma-aware & reproducible system that works.

This stream includes:

– Theory Manual
– Detailed reference list with suggested readings

– Audio lectures

– Live teaching calls with discussion
– Discuss & metabolize with peers

Stream Three


Learn the frameworks and coaching principles to create reproducible, trauma-informed, client results.

All the theory in the world doesn’t work if you can’t work with clients. In this practical & strategic stream, you’ll learn Core Coaching Framework, frameworks for coaching an immense variety of client situations, and (more importantly) how to dance with your natural style in a way that feels cohesive.

This stream includes:

– Training videos

– Coaching Manuals & quick reference handouts

– Live teaching, discussions & explorations

– Peer Practice Sessions & safe space to practice

– Demonstration Library

As a result of FECC I feel more energetically embodied.

I’ve released the need for things to be perfect, I have more self-compassion & I’ve finally found my place. I feel totally aligned & part of such a richly supportive community.

This program and the team is honestly so great.

Picture of Simone Turner,

Simone Turner,


As a result of FECC I feel at peace and more confident in my body and my life.

I love how much support is available. I love the mentorship of Jenna and the coaching team. I feel grounded, I feel safe inside my body, I check with my body all the time now. I don’t rush over feeling. I love exploring what does it mean being a woman.

Thank you for this beautiful space.

Picture of Miranda Torna,

Miranda Torna,


All of me felt welcome. There have been very few spaces in my life where I felt sufficient patience, acceptance, and kindness to relax and be myself in a new way.

This course is an absolute gift to your soul and the collective up-leveling of humanity. If you are feeling the call, follow it boldly! You won’t be sorry.

Picture of Rachael Skyring

Rachael Skyring


Two women sitting across from each other, engaged in a coaching session
Jenna Ward sitting in a chair and smiling at the camera, her head resting on her hand

Whether you’re new to coaching, or desire to deepen your existing skills, if you’ve been called to work in embodied ways this is the best & only training of its kind in the world.

We are the women who want depth, not only speed. We desire to transcend the goal-setting, mind-based approach to coaching (& life) and instead reclaim the sacredness of sensation, and the power of our bodies. Since 2018 we’ve partnered with 550+ participants, across 5 continents, to deepen their skills as feminine empowerment coaches.

Signed, Jenna

The training in a snapshot


A 6mth program with 12mths of live support. Move at a pace that suits you (we support feminized learning).

6 Core

There are 6 core training modules, each containing Personal Mastery, Theory & Coaching Streams.

Group Calls

Come together with peers & the Teaching Team for practices, teaching, and discussion.


Get to know your peers through small study groups & access to our community

With Peers

A safe place to test drive your coaching skills & receive supportive feedback

Assessment Pathway

Optional assessment & mentoring if you desire to ‘Graduate’ as a SOEA Feminine Embodiment Coach™

Have questions about the training?
Download the full program curriculum by entering your details below.

The FECC experience has been invaluable. I say experience because this course is so much more than just a course with theory and exercises. The focus on personal practice & reflections has meant that when I do offer FEC sessions I have a deep understanding of the various tools.

The FECC theory and tools also exceeded my expectations and have given me a structure and process to offer deeply beneficial sessions to others. The FEC process is exactly what I’ve been searching for for years. My clients are feeling the results and are raving about our sessions!

Picture of Debra Reeves,

Debra Reeves,


Jenna has created something beautiful and extremely powerful in School for Embodied Arts FECC Certification. It was one of the most impactful trainings that I’ve done for my own personal development as well as for my coaching practice.

Jenna creates a space that allows for each women to go through the program in her own way and at her own pace without the traditional pressure or rigidity that typically comes from completing a program.

It has been a delight to see what the women from my cohort and others are doing, and the magic being created for women everywhere.I highly recommend this program if you’re ready to change your life!

Picture of Claudine Holt MD, USA

Claudine Holt MD, USA

My experience of the FECC program was like a snake shedding it’s skin. The shift in my personal development was nothing short of magic. I’ve been invested in self development for years but I’ve never experienced the depth that this program offers in such a gentle, trauma informed way.

The tools I learned were invaluable and the coursework itself is so detailed and thoughtfully presented. This program leaves you feeling fully equipped and well resourced to bring this work forward with your own unique flavour. Huge thanks to Jenna and the wonderful teaching team.

Picture of Amy Jansz,

Amy Jansz,


The program is virtual,
yet intimate.

Live & Supportive

This is a live, vibrant & interactive experience. Each week we come together for live calls – imagine group practices exploring feminine energy embodiment, discussions, demonstrations, and Q&A. There’s ample opportunity to meet & practice with peers in a safe space. You’ll receive extensive access to your teachers & trainers, and to an amazing community of fellow coaches.

Flexible Program Delivery

We believe in feminized learning styles so that you can move through the experience at a pace that suits your body, identity, lifestyle & desires. The training is also 100% online so you can join from anywhere in the world. You’ll receive 6 self-paced modules each containing personal practices, theory manuals & coaching structures to integrate this work on the personal and professional level (which is key for confidence) plus a whole heap of live support.

Amazing Community of Peers

Coming together with a vulnerable, supportive group of women who are all headed in the same direction is a fuel to seriously move your passions forward! Our amazing teaching team & vibrant community of diverse women will get to know you as intimately as you desire. Through live calls, a time-zone matched support circle of peers & ongoing rich group discussions this is a space where others really “get you”.

As a woman who’s walked the path & realized the super-power her feminine body truly is, it’s no surprise you’re called to turn this personal activation into a professional competency & skill set.

This is exactly why the Feminine Embodiment Coaching Certification was created. You already have all the inner wisdom & gifts required to be a deep & amazing practitioner.

Our job is simply to support you to…

About the founder, Jenna Ward

Jenna Ward, Founder of the School of Embodied Arts, sitting on a staircase and smiling
Signed, Jenna

—— Founder

Hoi! I’m Jenna, founder of the School of Embodied Arts & creator of the Feminine Embodiment Coaching Certification. I’m an Australian woman living between Australia & the Netherlands. Mother of one. Lover of chai & champagne.

My role as Feminine Embodiment Coach & Teacher came about wholely unexpectedly (but this work has a way of choosing us, would you say?). After leaving behind my clinical pharmacy job, training in diverse energy medicine modalities, and opening my own client practice, I began to realize there was still something “missing” from life. Some depth, some richness, some heart-crack-me-open-kind-of-beauty that I yearned for.

Years later, after finding that richness & infusing it into my client’s sessions I learned what I was doing was called “feminine embodiment”. Not only was feminine embodiment rocking my body, pleasure, boundaries, relationships, work, and lifestyle – it was having amazing results with my clients. My coaching practice was growing, I began to offer group coaching, and at some point, my past clients asked “would you teach me how to coach that way?”.

So here we are. Since first offering the Feminine Embodiment Coaching Certification course in 2017 & we’ve witnessed the hunger for more body-based ways of coaching grow. Our Teaching Team has grown to provide even more support to our participants. Our curriculum stays current and responsive to the climate of our times & includes guest teaching on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion for Coaches.

We’d love to discuss the training with you to see if it’s an aligned fit for your desires as woman & coach.


Download our full Program Curriculum & apply to speak with a member of our Teaching Team below

After graduating FECC I feel super confident in applying the Feminine Embodiment Coaching tools.

I had been coaching before and the FECC approach gives my work so much more depth and allows me to activate my body’s wisdom.

The personal mastery stream supported me in gaining more access to what I want to bring into this world. I’m also deeply motivated to get going! Thank you, Jenna and team for this wonderful and profound program.

Picture of Marion Junet,

Marion Junet,


First and foremost FECC is one of the most incredible and powerful personal journeys I’ve ever been on.

I felt so held and supported which allowed me to dive to depths that I had never been able to go before.

As a result of FECC not only have I been called to many parts of the life I desired but also become the authentic, powerful, inspired coach I craved. This is not just a course – it’s a personal journey that allows you to leave as a very powerful coach. I highly recommend it to any woman who is ready to step into her true authentic self.

Picture of Rachelle Trayer,

Rachelle Trayer,


Jenna is a wonderful, heart-led mentor, who shares her wisdom, knowledge, and experience to create a course full of thought-provoking, body-provoking content that inspires long-lasting, self-determined change.

The FECC is far more than learning how to coach, Jenna and her team support you to go on your own journey of embodied discovery, not only giving you the tools you need to coach, but also the integrity and authenticity of having walked the path your future clients will take.

Picture of Sarah Booth,

Sarah Booth,


You've got (lots) of questions

and we have answers!

We believe in making fully informed decisions, based on aligned expectations. Below are some of our most FAQs. You’ll also find more details in our Program Curriculum which you can download at the bottom of this page.

You can commence the program at any time. If you’re ready to go, we’re ready to support you (no need to wait 3 or 6 months to get started)! We have a detailed support & accountability system to help you get orientated to the program & set up for success, on your timeline.

You can, if you desire, formally graduate as a ‘SOEA Feminine Embodiment Coach’.

‘SOEA Feminine Embodiment Coaching’ is a modality created by Jenna Ward & the School of Embodied Arts. This modality is registered with the International Institution of Complementary Therapies (IICT), making it the first of its kind training, worldwide.

Certification means you’ll be recognized as an endorsed ‘SOEA Feminine Embodiment Coach’. More importantly, the certification process involves personalized mentoring & support to make sure your coaching skills are safe & effective.

Formal graduation is optional & included in the cost of tuition.

Yes, it is. Whether you’re new to coaching OR you already have a tool kit of transformational skills under your belt, this experience is for the woman ready to go deeper using embodied arts.

Around 50% of our participants have never coached before. They know the personal benefits of the embodied arts and are ready to take it to the next level.

The other half of our participants have some kind of transformational skill in their tool kit (some common examples are yoga teachers, psychotherapists, life/other forms of coaching, art therapists) but sense there is a ‘missing piece’ to the work they are offering.

If you’ve never coached before you’ll receive all the frameworks and tools to deliver powerful sessions. If you already have skills/tools you’ll be able to blend these with the FEC frameworks to create something unique (and we’ll support you to find that sweet spot).

Yes! Around half of participants have some kind of transformational skill (some common examples are yoga teachers, psychotherapists, life/other forms of coaching, art therapists) but feel they are missing a ‘key piece’ to structure & deepen the work they are offering.

We intend that every coach can learn our frameworks, then restructure them to suit their skills and style. We encourage you to take the modality of Feminine Embodiment Coaching & weave it together with your other skills, tools & desires to offer the work in a way that feels aligned for you.

The coaching certification is $5,900 USD with 6 month payment plans available.
We offer equity-based pricing for those significantly disadvantaged by currency conversion & partial scholarships for those who identify as BIPOC women desiring financial support. For more information please enter your details below to apply & chat to our teaching team.

SOEA Feminine Embodiment Coaching is a style of coaching developed for work primarily with adult women & individuals who identify as women.

With that said all people of all genders benefit from more feminine and more embodiment in their lives. The core principles & practices can be extended to work with any individual and past graduates use this work with men, non-binary and queer folk.

As a result of this training you’ll be endorsed to work with clients age 18+ for coaching.

We want you to succeed. To this end alumni (past students) can access Continuing Professional Development and support via the following channels:

  1. Ongoing live calls & support from the teaching team and peers
  2. Ongoing access to our private online forum for questions, celebrations & challenges

We are applying the skills of embodiment through the lens of modern women’s stresses & situations which makes this training most relevant to those who identify as women.

If you’d like to clarify if this training is appropriate for you, please contact us to discuss further at

The School of Embodied Arts, including our teaching and support team, is committed to creating inclusive communities where all people, of diverse identities and abilities, are welcome. We value social & environmental justice and have zero tolerance for hate speech, white supremacy, racist behavior, or discrimination. You can find a more detailed description of our values & experiences from past students here.

This is a 6-12month course. Meaning, some people graduate within 6 months, others take as long as 12 months. We offer this flexible style of program delivery because everybody has different desires, bodies, capacities, lifestyles, and demands.

To complete this training in a 6-month time frame, expect to commit around 5 hours per week.

Here’s a breakdown of estimated time commitments:

  • Daily personal practice – 15mins/day or, 40mins 2-3x/week
  • Self-paced learning – 2hrs/week
  • Live training calls – 90mins/week (recordings are available if you can’t join us live on the calls)
  • Plus any additional peer-peer connection or coaching practice you desire to engage with

Almost all participants who join us are also managing busy lives. Plus embodiment work is deep, and we can’t always turn our bodies & past tensions/traumas ‘off’ to learn with our heads. That kind of dis-embodied learning just won’t work in this space. This is why the program delivery is flexible, allowing a full 12 months of program benefits.

We follow principles of feminine learning meaning you are welcome to move through the training at a speed that works for you.

We hope you have lots of fabulous questions. The best next step is to enter your details at the bottom of this page to download the curriculum, apply & chat with a member of the teaching team to see if this is the right fit for you & your passions.

You can also email us at

Our headquarters are located on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia, the traditional lands of the Gubbi Gubbi (Kabi Kabi) people. Though our team is located around the world.

You can reach us via snail mail at PO Box 414, Peregian Beach, Queensland 4573 Australia

We securely process payments via PayPal or credit card. View our refund & shipping policy.

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Feminine Embodiment Coaching Certification

Download the full curriculum & apply to join by entering your details below.