Orgasm. The potential & pleasure you didn’t learn about in School.

When we deepen our connection with our body, we can’t help but slowly (and surely) discover our sensuality. Enjoyment of our senses, pleasure in our bodies just because we are alive…

But today’s guest takes sensuality to a whole new level. Today I’m speaking with Sofia Sundari, an international tantra teacher, and orgasm-pedia. I love sharing inspiring, embodied women with our community and Sofia is definitely one rare and embodied gem that’s a pleasure to listen to.

In this delicious interview where we explore:

+ All the different types of orgasm (there are 4 or more that we talk about!)

+ Why most women are experiencing 1 (or less!) types of orgasm

+ An incredibly powerful tip to get you connected to your vagina

+ The different types of Tantra & what it’s really about (it’s not just about sex)

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About Sofia sundari

Sofia Sundari is an international tantra teacher. She writes, coaches, facilitates courses on mystical femininity and tantric & taoist sexuality.

Sofia  invites her students to question beliefs that are deeply ingrained in society but block us from experiencing all of life and being free. These are beliefs about the nature of our sexuality, emotions, relationships, and life in general. This is what most of us believe life and sexuality should be.

She offers an alternative to confused mindsets and habits and empowers people to align with their Spirit and expand into erotic freedom.

Sofia creates a space in which our darkness no longer shameful, but it actually nourishes our light, where spirituality and sexuality are one.

With 5 years in Asia studying the secrets of Tantra and Taoism and over a decade of training in various healing and spiritual modalities, Sofia has dedicated her life to serving love.

About The Author
Jenna Ward

Welcome! I’m Jenna Ward. Feminine Embodiment Coach & Founder of the School of Embodied Arts. I’m an Australian woman living between Australia & the Netherlands. I speak English & een beetje Nederlands (that means, a little bit of Dutch). Mother of one. Lover of chai, chocolate & champagne. Read more here.

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