Why your life purpose isn’t your work

I read a quote once. It said your life purpose is to find your life purpose, and share it with the world.

I sub-consciously believed this to be true for many years.

Searching, searching… constantly searching for my life purpose through the next evolution of my work that would give me that sense of ‘arriving’.

Waiting, waiting for the sense of purpose to ‘land’ before I could press play on my life + let things really start.

It was a frustrating time. Doing every single thing in the spiritual book and yet not connecting with the sense of self-realization my soul so desperately longed for.

Constantly changing directions, regularly feeling challenged, and not shining my brightest light out in the world.

It took me years to realize.

Forcing your life purpose into ONE area of your life is a recipe for disaster.


Our work, our relationships, our role as mother or wife is only one dimension of who we are… By it’s very nature these elements are just one aspect of the bigger dharma (purpose) of our existence.

Yet we live in a culture where our work defines us.

That much is clear when you meet someone new – the first questions of the rank is ‘what do you do’?

And so when we take a step back from the pressure to:

A)    find our ‘life-purpose’ and

B)    morph it into a meaningful + abundant offering of work to the world

(as the your life purpose is to find your life purpose, and share it with the world quote would suggest)… we realize that this mindset is essentially flawed.

a_002What a radical reality shift – to live AS your life purpose.

But what does that even mean? And how do we practice it? (great questions by the way)

Your search, perhaps like mine, started with a quest for meaning.

It’s a logical place to begin + often the start of all great spiritual adventures – it certainly was for me.

I felt like once I got ‘the job’ everything would fall into place. Yet even while I was doing radically soulful + spiritual work as a Kinesiologist Practitioner in Brisbane, I this feeling that was still something “more” kept calling me. This work didn’t automatically grant me the fullest version of my potential, this wasn’t my realization.

This label, this work wasn’t all of me.

And that was frustrating realization to have. I had spent tens of thousands of dollars on training, devoted years to cultivating my spiritual gifts + left the well-paying job for the self-employed-biz-dream.

Part of me was screaming WTF. This was meant to be ‘it’! I was meant to arrive now!

And yet another part of me was saying – thank fuck.

Thank fuck she finally stopped trying to force her realization into one dimension of her being.

Thank fuck she is beginning to realise that her worth isn’t defined by any one thing (a job, a man, a role). Thank fuck she is finally start to realize that…


Amazing shifts began to happen in my internal world when I embodied this truth. Joy was so much closer to the surface. Bliss happened regularly. And even more beautiful – the work became SO MUCH MORE FULFILLING.

Living as your life purpose means to live from a place of enoughness.

Only through embodying the truth that you are enough, exactly as you are can we ever realize ourselves.

With or without the thriving business, with or without the job that changes the work, with or without all the things you believe you need to ‘arrive’. The truth is that you are enough.

But it’s not an easy truth to embody. At the level of mind I’m sure we all agree – yes I am enough.

But the real truth lies in how we spend our time + the decisions we make day in day out. And for many of us that reality is saturated with non-enoughness.

And then the transformation began to touch my external world as well…

Living the truth that you are your purpose causes all kinds of magic to happen….

1. Your beauty + gifts are free to be shared with the world.

Without the pressure or need of proving your worth, you are liberated to be yourself.

The woman with innate gifts who so often feels the pressure for more qualifications or permission to do the work before the can really thrive… For this woman living from a embodied place of enough-ness transcends the dogmatic frameworks + structure that ask her to be small + allows her to step into the space of true healing, where her heart is open and she gives from a place of being enough.

2. You move into a state of flow + ease

The women determined to realize herself solely through work creates a pressure cooker of forcing the full light of her soul through one channel. Essentially blowing out her energy + staying stuck in force and pushing instead of her natural feminine set-point of flow.

Returning back to her core re-connects the her with the magnetic essence that is sovereign + magic.

3. You desire yourself, and allow the adoration + support you need to flow in.

Embodying your enough-ness is particularly relevant for the woman disconnected from her feelings, her body + her love for herself.

Feminine power is the source of confidence + conviction that fuels our desires. Yet without sensual desire for ourselves – just as she we, enough, in our own body, the deep capacity for receivership + support that every woman needs is not free to enter.

4. Your work becomes (one of your many) vehicles for self-realization.

It’s essential for us to have aligned, authentic + inspired work.

And coming from a place of embodied enough-ness is the fastest way to make decisions that navigate you in the direction of your dreams.

When we embody our enough-ness we are liberated.

I’m so turned on by women who are committed to owning + embodying their potential. Allowing their lives to be the purpose they are seeking for. And living with passion + freedom from that place.

If you feel called to embody your enough & activate the feminine magic of magnetism that happens as a result, I would love to invite you to download the Magnetism Map – a beautiful guide exploring the 4 steps of drawing your desires towards you with feminine ease.


About The Author
Jenna Ward

Welcome! I’m Jenna Ward. Feminine Embodiment Coach & Founder of the School of Embodied Arts. I’m an Australian woman living between Australia & the Netherlands. I speak English & een beetje Nederlands (that means, a little bit of Dutch). Mother of one. Lover of chai, chocolate & champagne. Read more here.

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