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Transformation – it happens one of two ways

Transformation is hot topic collectively and personally at the moment.

So many of my clients, friends and sisters are in massive transitions of cleaning out the old and desiring to up-level their lives.

To transcend their wounds, create their dreams & live from a deep place.

And even as I write those words – I feel the energy that brings us, you and I, to the precipice of transformation. The spark inour collective hearts that absolutely compels us to keep move forward, to keep re-committing.

It’s never a conscious choice to awaken. It happens when it is ready to.

And then the wild ride starts.

More of you is alive, more of you wants to live. The awakening has chosen you and now the ball is in your court. Bigger, wilder, deeper, more freedom, more adventure, more connection. You know what I’m taking about.

But how will this awakening proceed?

With ease and grace? Or with pain and struggle?

Transformation, as far as I can tell, take one of 2 main paths.

The first is a path of pain and struggle.

We hear a soft whisper of knowing and choose to ignore it… We hear a louder sign and choose to ignore it… We feel confused and unsure and choose to ignore it… We get backed into a corner and choose to ignore it…

And finally that soft whisper of knowing becomes a force so loud and strong that it throws us over the edge of the cliff and we have no choice but to fly.

The transformation happens unconsciously and unwillingly, it drags us through a baptism of fire and into a dark night of the soul.

It hurts, it’s painful. And yet it’s so essential.

We learn that there is no place for control. We learn that the only relief is in surrender.

We learn to trust. We deepen into our self.

The second path of transformation is a lot easier.

We hear the whisper of knowing and we act. No force is needed, we allow the unfolding to happen.

But not all of us know how to hear the whisper, or trust it’s truth. We are not taught how to choose this path of ease, of trust, of no-control.

It takes practice and cultivation.

The practice is one of not controlling how it will turn out.

Not defining HOW or WHAT this transformation will look like come the end.

This path of transformation asks us to take JUST ONE STEP at a time. Just one.

And then another.

Constantly practicing surrender of our expectations and conditions. And allowing just one step at a time to align us with our desires.

Today, what one step could I take to align a little more with my dreams?

Today, what one habit could I change to soften into surrender?

Today, what one thing could I do for myself to nurture my desires?

Today. One step.

From this point you cannot see the grand plan.

But if you trust it is there, all you need to do is just take one step.

What one step could you take today? Ask your heart (not your head).

About The Author
Jenna Ward

Welcome! I’m Jenna Ward. Feminine Embodiment Coach & Founder of the School of Embodied Arts. I’m an Australian woman living between Australia & the Netherlands. I speak English & een beetje Nederlands (that means, a little bit of Dutch). Mother of one. Lover of chai, chocolate & champagne. Read more here.

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