Destination Freedom: 5 tips for creating a lifestyle + business saturated in freedom

destination freedom

Twelve months ago I set off on a whirlwind adventure. Taking me + my business on a freedom saturated trip which would span four continents and seven countries.

At the start it seemed like the next natural step in expanding my freedom (the desire which sparked me leaving my pharmacy job and starting my own business).

Looking back I can see it was an experiment in how connected I could stay – within myself – while having everyone and everything around me change, constantly.

Here are my top 5 tips for creating a lifestyle + business saturated in freedom.

#1 Embrace the unknown

What is the unknown? The unknown is the knowing without knowing. The calling that’s not logical, that doesn’t have an explanation, that you can’t rationalize, but that you just have to trust.

Embracing the unknown looks like not having a clue if doing this wild thing will work – yet at the same time trusting that if your heart + soul is drawing you and asking you to say yes, because it is right.

I had many moments of trusting in the unknown (and spending thousands on airline tickets, without any guarantee that it would work out)

For months before I left, I felt a calling to Bali. I had no idea why.

Then the call to Portugal. Again, at the time, I had no idea why.

I learned your hearts’ desires don’t have to justify themselves.

Your soul doesn’t have to have a reason for wanting what it wants. It just IS.

When we trust our desires, when we trust the unknown and come out the other side safe + whole (which we always do) – the experience builds our trust muscle. Allowing us to develop more conviction + belief in ourselves. We grow. 

#2 Get your support in place before you go

Hand on heart I would have gone mad without the support structures I put in place before I went. Having a team of sisters, friends + professionals that I could call on was lifesaving, on more than one situation.

No one is an island. It takes a community to keep any one person on track, especially when we are on a path of rapid growth.

My supports looked like:

  • A mastermind group to keep my business dreams accountable and on track
  • A circle of soul sisters I could lean into for personal love
  • A group of friends I could book regular Skype dates with
  • A mini-altar including beautiful crystals + oracle cards to keep me grounded in any space I stepped into

#3 Understand freedom happens between the structure

Freedom within the structure

When many of us dream of freedom it’s a no-responsibility, lounging on the beach kind of vision.

In truth, I did do a lot of lounging on the beach.

But only because there was a structure in place (on the business side) which kept money coming in and clients being served.

Some of the structures I put in place early on were:

  • I only speak with clients 3 days per week. This leaves 2 days for creative writing, projects or travel adventures
  • Bringing in a team to work behind the scenes of my business + keep things like blogs + customer service rolling while I was away from my computer
  • Planning for consistent internet – my man organized this amazing 4G-everywhere internet connection for us to take across borders and continents

Implementing the structures your freedom requires supports you to feel true freedom (not freedom wrapped in guilt or “should’s” that only serve to distract you).


#4 Choose, don’t hide

Running away from something you don’t like is never a good solution.

In the past, my desperation to “get somewhere new” was often based in the desire to “be someone else”. But it just doesn’t happen that way.

Problems travel with you. Whether it’s between jobs, or between countries.

If there is a core limitation, fear or lack within you, it’s going to travel with you. Wherever you go, they have a way of finding you unless you choose to resolve them, and let them go.

This is part of the formula we teach in The Embodied Woman Online Program. Activating your most brilliance embodied self so you can make decisions in your life that reflect your worth + your truth, rather than letting your doubts and your fears lead the way.

#5 Know what’s non-negotiable

There are five non-negotiable needs my body has:

  1. Ready access to green juice – this body can no longer operate if it’s not alkaline
  2. Pristine nature that is wild + untamed
  3. Clean water I can swim in (<30mins from my home)
  4. Soulful yoga teachers
  5. Practitioners to care for my physical body

This is my recipe for happiness. It’s non-negotiable.

In the countries I lived in without these things, “living” became less enjoyable.  These criteria became an important formula with which I based my travel decisions.

Whether you are living in your home, abroad or somewhere in the middle I would love to know which of these tips spoke to you the most? And what else might you add for your fellow embodied sisters?

Let us know in the comments section below.

About The Author
Jenna Ward

Welcome! I’m Jenna Ward. Feminine Embodiment Coach & Founder of the School of Embodied Arts. I’m an Australian woman living between Australia & the Netherlands. I speak English & een beetje Nederlands (that means, a little bit of Dutch). Mother of one. Lover of chai, chocolate & champagne. Read more here.

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